Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows
Thermally broken aluminium windows
As windows are an essential part of most buildings, Advanced Glass recognises the importance of getting this right first time. We can install thermally broken aluminium windows, which come with double or triple glazing options, depending on the performance required. Each window system has its own unique benefits. Slim sightlines can minimise how much frame is visible, and we can create large openings and cover large spans.

With ever-growing vent sizes, we offer windows of all sizes that were thought impossible a few years back. We work with fantastic teams of architects, builders, main contractors, and systems houses to provide solutions which push the possibilities of glazing. Our ability and expertise enable us to provide you with the best solution for your project. Our team’s knowledge is continually expanding, due to delivering excellent results time after time.

Wide range of windows systems suppliers
Our windows suppliers include Technal, Senior Architectural Systems and Reynaers. We can also provide solutions from other system houses; we have delivered projects from Schueco and Wicona.
All the aluminium window systems are thermally broken, and every window will meet or exceed building regulation requirements. We can pair our windows with high-performance glass to achieve outstanding results for insulating a building and limiting heat loss, well as controlling solar gain, and to avoid overheating.

Window security
Security is obviously a big factor when it comes to windows. Approved document Q requires all accessible windows to be PAS 24 compliant and tested for security. Within our range, we can provide solutions that ensure any tempted intruder will struggle to gain entry.
Window can be fixed or open
There are many options when it comes to opening vents. You can have the option to open in or open out, be top hung or bottom hung, to offer tilt function or to tilt and turn. Each option has its own limitations, but Advanced Glass will work to achieve truly exceptional results.